About Desired Reptiles

About Me

Hi, I’m EL Mehdi (Medi), the founder and voice behind Desired Reptiles. I’m a pet lover who is currently living in Morocco and loves to talk a lot about bearded dragons and reptiles in general. I’m also a professional writer and an entrepreneur who owns and manages multiple helpful websites.

Why Desired Reptiles?

I created this information-providing website to share some of my knowledge and experience with bearded dragons. This is a great place for any pet lover who wishes to learn more about reptiles and how to care for them.

Owning a bearded dragon can be a little bit challenging even for the experts. If you are interested in caring tips, guides, and building tank setups for your beardie then this is the right place. We have created informational resources and we will continue to do so to help you bond well with your pet.

If you have any questions or a content idea for this site, feel free to drop a comment or contact us.