Can Bearded Dragons Eat Corn? The Dangers And Benefits

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Pet bearded dragons have access to a wider range of nourishing foods which often keeps them healthier than their wild counterparts. However, without considering food compatibility, your dragon is exposed to various health complications which can be fatal in some cases. Understanding dietary compatibility is crucial for bearded dragons, making this topic necessary.

Bearded dragons can eat corn, but only occasionally. It’s too starchy and way less nutritious than their dietary staples, making it more of an occasional treat.

In this guide, we will analyze the pros and cons of feeding corn to your bearded dragon including how to provide it safely. Let’s get into it!

How Nutritious is Corn for Bearded Dragons?

Bearded dragons rely on nutritionally dense meals for survival, and are wired to find the most sustainable yet delicious options. Although corn may be a treat for bearded dragons, it’s important to understand its nutritional value.

According to the USDA, here are the nutritional values of 100 grams of corn:

  • Calories: 96
  • Carbohydrates: 19 grams
  • Protein: 3.4 grams
  • Fat: 1.2 grams
  • Fiber: 3.6 grams
  • Sugar: 3.2 grams
  • Vitamin C: 6.8 mg (11% of the Daily Value)
  • Thiamin (vitamin B1): 0.2 mg (13% of the Daily Value)
  • Niacin (vitamin B3): 1.8 mg (9% of the Daily Value)
  • Folate (vitamin B9): 42 mcg (11% of the Daily Value)
  • Iron: 0.5 mg (3% of the Daily Value)
  • Magnesium: 37 mg (9% of the Daily Value)
  • Potassium: 270 mg (8% of the Daily Value)
  • The phosphorus and calcium ratio: 1:45

The nutrient content of corn slightly varies depending on the type and processing method. Field corn contains a higher amount of starch than other types which is harmful for bearded dragons. On the other hand, sweet corn is too sugary to be fed more than twice a week, but is a lot safer than field corn.

Ultimately, the differences among the varieties will be minor since your bearded dragon will only require them in small amounts.

benefits of feeding corn to bearded dragons

The Benefits of Corn for Bearded Dragons

Corn has some benefits for bearded dragons when provided adequately. If you follow the guidelines provided in this article, your pet will enjoy these three benefits:

Quick Energy Boost

Corn is high in carbs which is a good energy source for bearded dragons especially for those recovering from illnesses. There’s an advantage if your bearded dragon enjoys eating corn; you can include it in its meal to improve its appetite.

Can Aid Proper Digestion

Fiber is essential for your bearded dragon’s digestive health. It enhances nutrient absorption by slowing down digestion and provides the structure needed for healthy excretion ensuring your pet’s overall wellness and protection from malnutrition.

Source of Minerals and Vitamins

Even as a treat, corn contains vitamins and minerals that can complement your dragon’s diet. It contains vitamins C and B which are great antioxidants and immunity enhancers, and minerals like potassium and magnesium that help sustain heart and neurological health.

How to Safely Feed Corn to Your Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons often swallow corn kernels whole instead of properly chewing them, which can cause blockages during excretion. This is because they do not have the teeth for prolonged chewing. To lower the chances of impaction, boil the corn kernels before serving them to your bearded dragon, and limit feeding frequency to once a week.

If the cooked corn is still too tough, lightly squash it with a spoon to make it easier for your bearded dragon to eat. Be careful not to turn the corn into mush; you don’t want your beardie to be uninterested.

Furthermore, limit the amount of corn to 10% of the required salad suited for its age. For example, adult bearded dragons require about the same portion of greens as your average-sized fist. If you put this into perspective, you can easily eyeball what 10% of corn should look like.

The table below provides a practical view of the relative ratios of veggies and bugs your pet needs depending on its age.

Age (months)Percentage
0 – 3 (Baby stage)30% greens, 70% grubs
3 – 6 (Juvenile stage)30% greens, 70% grubs
6 – 9 (Subadult stage)40% greens, 60% grubs
9+ (Adult stage)70% greens, 30% grubs
dangers of overfeeding corn to bearded dragons

The Dangers of Feeding Corn to Bearded Dragons

Corn, despite its benefits, is not entirely suitable for bearded dragons to eat frequently due to these risks:

Your Beardie Can Develop Impaction

Bearded dragons are not equipped with the dentition to properly chew corn. Since it’s fibrous, your beardie can develop serious impaction from eating excess, which can lead to further complications.

The Risk of a Bone Disease

The calcium-to-phosphorus ratio is a crucial aspect of your bearded dragon’s diet, as an imbalance can easily lead to metabolic bone disease. While phosphorus is important for calcium metabolism, excessive phosphorus can hinder calcium absorption.

In corn, the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio is 1:4, which is far from the ideal 2:1 ratio. When phosphorus levels are too high, it binds to calcium and can create a deficiency. This seemingly minor issue can result in metabolic bone disease, which can be fatal if severe.

Your Pet Can Grow Obese

Corn is too starchy for bearded dragons to eat regularly, as it can lead to obesity. Unlike humans, bearded dragons struggle to break down starch efficiently, making them more prone to accumulating excess fat. Additionally, as captive pets, they are often not active enough to burn off the carbohydrates they consume.

Obesity can significantly impact a bearded dragon’s quality of life, making it difficult for them to breathe and move, and can also shorten their lifespan.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Popcorn?

Bearded dragons should not eat popcorn because they may have problems digesting it. Popcorn is essentially a dried and roasted form of corn, making it chaff-like and more difficult for bearded dragons to consume safely. This can increase the risk of choking and may lead to impaction. Besides, the snack is often prepared with ingredients like sugar and butter, which are unhealthy for your pet.

5 High-Carb Foods You Can Feed Your Beardie (Safer Alternatives)

1. Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are a good source of energy for beardies. They are rich in carbohydrates and low in phosphorus, making them suitable for your pet. However, they should be offered occasionally as they have low nutrient value.

2. Yams

Similar to sweet potatoes, yams are carbohydrate-dense and can be served parboiled or as treats alongside their veggies. Also, they are fiber-rich aiding in digestion and excretion.

3. Butternut squash

Butternut squash is one of the safest high-carb veggies to feed beardies, and can even be offered daily. It favors their dental health and is packed with compatible nutrients.

4. Pumpkin

Pumpkins are rich in fiber and carbs, including vitamin A and potassium which are great for the cell development of beardies. They’re also low in oxalates which allows proper calcium absorption.

5. Green beans

Green beans are also vegetable snacks that your beardie can enjoy. Just ensure you feed it to your pet moderately to prevent illness due to the high phosphorus content.

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EL Mehdi (Medi), the founder and voice behind Desired Reptiles, renowned for his dedication to bearded dragons. As a passionate reptile enthusiast, Medi has developed a solid background in caring for these lovely creatures. He gained extensive knowledge about their diet, behavior, and how to create environments that mimic their natural habitat