Can Bearded Dragons Eat Blackberries? The Risks And Benefits

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Feeding your bearded dragon fruity treats can elevate its mood, help you bond better with your pet, or make its meals more appetizing. Despite the benefits of these fruits, they can be dangerous for your pet and even lethal if given without care. It’s crucial to identify which fruits are safe to prevent your dragon from falling ill. So, how good are blackberries for bearded dragons?

Bearded dragons can eat blackberries, but only in moderation. These fruits are healthy and fairly safe for your reptile friend to consume. However, they also contain substances that can be toxic to your pet in large amounts, which is why you must feed them with care.

In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits and risks of feeding blackberries to your bearded dragon, and how to feed them safely. Let’s get into it.

benefits of feeding blackberries to bearded dragons

5 Great Benefits of Blackberries for Bearded Dragons

We’ve established that blackberries are good for bearded dragons however, now we delve deeper into the advantages they can provide.

1. Improves Immune System

Bearded dragons in captivity often outlive their wild counterparts because their immune systems benefit from higher vitamin C levels, a nutrient that’s scarce in the wild. Blackberries, small but mighty, are fully loaded with this vitamin. One blackberry contains 23% of its weight in vitamin C which can help strengthen your bearded dragon’s immune system against bacteria and illnesses.

2. Better Heart and Blood Function

Furthermore, blackberries contain vitamins E and K which particularly assist in the formation of blood cells. They can help clear blood vessels lowering blood pressure, and assist blood clotting during injury. Feeding your bearded dragon moderate amounts of blackberries as a part of its balanced diet can reduce the risk of heart disease.

3. Supports Hormone Formation

Vitamin B3 and B9 in blackberries can aid hormone formation. Although these vitamins are present in small amounts they contribute to growth and development, especially during sexual maturity. Paired with leafy vegetables like collard and mustard greens, they provide a healthy boost for female dragons preparing to reproduce.

4. Helps in Maintaining Beardie’s Eyesight

As bearded dragons age, their eyesight drastically declines. The small amounts of vitamin A your pet gains from blackberries over time can help in maintaining its eyesight better. This, of course, should complement your pet’s main diet and not replace it.

5. Reduces the Risk of Cancer

Blackberries contain antioxidants that protect the cells from degradation, oxidative stress, and the development of cancers. Though the chances of beardies developing cancers are low, captive dragons are more susceptible than their wild counterparts due to artificial light rays and the consumption of trace amounts of artificial food chemicals. This is why your beardie needs to eat fresh, healthy meals.

The Right Way to Feed Your Bearded Dragon Blackberries

Blackberries do not require much preparation before feeding them to your beardies. Firstly, ensure the fruits are organically grown. Avoid feeding your pet ones that have probably been grown with fertilizers or treated with preservatives, as beardies cannot digest these substances. So, if you grow blackberries in your home garden, that’s even better!

Limit your bearded dragon’s intake to 3 to 4 blackberries per month, particularly if their diet includes other fruits. For baby beardies, just 1 to 2 a month.

In addition, cut the blackberries into smaller sizes to prevent choking. A general rule of thumb is that the fruit should fit the space between your beardie’s eyes. If it’s too big for your pet to swallow, it could cause fatal choking hazards.

With Seeds or Without Seeds?

Bearded dragons can safely eat blackberries with seeds. The seeds are rich in fiber that can aid bowel movement. There’s only a problem if your dragon consumes too many blackberries as it can get impacted by the buildup.

dangers of overfeeding blackberries to bearded dragons

Dangers of Feeding Your Bearded Dragon Too Many Blackberries

There are important reasons to limit the amount of blackberries you feed your dragon. While they are healthy treats, excessive consumption can lead to serious health issues. Here are some potential risks:

Bone Disease

Blackberries contain twice as much phosphorus as calcium. While this might not seem problematic, phosphorus readily binds to calcium, shortening the amount your pet absorbs for healthy bones. Thus, if your beardie consumes too many blackberries over time, it can develop metabolic bone disease (MBD).

This disease weakens and deforms the bones thereby potentially reducing your pet’s lifespan by several years. Hence, it’s crucial to include calcium supplements (view on Amazon) in your beardie’s diet, especially when feeding blackberries or any salad that contains fruit, to prevent the possibility of MBD.


Blackberries contain high levels of sugar which may be difficult for your bearded dragon to metabolize properly. Instead of breaking down the sugar into glucose, the excess is stored as fat deposits that can lead to obesity. Especially since your pet does not move around like it would in the wild.

Stomach Problems

The build-up of vitamin C in your bearded dragon’s belly can lead to gastrointestinal problems in the form of indigestion, vomiting, and diarrhea. This imbalance can expose it to other illnesses, prolonging its recovery time.

Tooth Decay

Bearded dragons can develop tooth decay from excessively eating sugary foods, just as you would from eating too much candy. The sugar destroys their dentition causing it to rot. If the situation becomes severe, it can affect the jaw and lead to permanent damage. This condition is called periodontal disease and is widely studied and warned against.

What To Do When Your Beardie Eats Too Many Blackberries

If your bearded dragon ate too many blackberries, immediately contact your vet for advice and treatment. If a vet is not immediately accessible, give your pet a nice warm bath to help it excrete as well as rehydrate. Prepare a shallow bath with the water only up to its knees. After 15 to 20 minutes, take it out of the water and leave it in its terrarium to bask and rest.

Can I Feed My Bearded Dragon Dehydrated Blackberries?

Bearded dragons should avoid dried fruit. It’s almost indigestible and contains way too much sugar which can be harmful to your beardie’s health. Dried blackberries can cause painful impaction and in severe cases, may even be fatal.

Can My Beardie Eat Blackberry Paste?

Sweet and blended fruits can be dangerous for your bearded dragon’s teeth. They promote plaque build-up which can develop into much more sinister teeth problems like periodontal disease.

Are There Any Alternatives to Backberries for My Bearded Dragon?

If you’ve read through my article on the type of fruits bearded dragons can eat, you’ll understand why some fruits are much safer than others. Aside from blackberries, you can give your pet the following treats:

The Conclusion

Some bearded dragons go absolutely bonkers for blackberries, and rightly so! If your pet enjoys them, feed appropriate amounts only. Remember, fruits are not essential for bearded dragons; your pet’s primary diet should include rich greens and grubs for its survival. Offer blackberries as occasional treats to keep your pet safe and healthy. Good luck!

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EL Mehdi (Medi), the founder and voice behind Desired Reptiles, renowned for his dedication to bearded dragons. As a passionate reptile enthusiast, Medi has developed a solid background in caring for these lovely creatures. He gained extensive knowledge about their diet, behavior, and how to create environments that mimic their natural habitat