Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries? Is It Safe?

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Bearded dragons will eat anything that looks and tastes good, including fruits that can be lethal to them. Some fruits are problematic because they contain substances that can harm them despite being safe for humans, such as phosphorus, potassium, or goitrogens. So, before feeding any fruit to your pet, ensure its compatibility with its digestive system to prevent it from falling ill.

Strawberries are one of the safest fruits to feed bearded dragons. This is because they have lower sugar content compared to many other fruits with similar nutritional value. However, strawberries contain significant amounts of potassium and phosphorus, which can be dangerous to your pet.

In this article, we’ll go over the benefits and potential risks of feeding strawberries to bearded dragons, as well as how to offer them safely to your pet. Let’s get into it!

Why Strawberries Are Good For Bearded Dragons

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and vitamin B9 both of which aid immunity and support the formation and regulation of tissue cells. They also have a calcium-to-phosphorus ratio of 1:2 which is better compared to fruits like peaches with a ratio of 1:3. If phosphorus is too high, it will disrupt calcium absorption. That is why calcium intake should be higher, as your bearded dragon needs it for healthy bone development.

Furthermore, strawberries consist primarily of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and water. Although they are not staples, they are relatively safe and can be offered more frequently than many other fruits. In addition, bearded dragons are easily attracted to the popping red color of the fruit, enticing them to eat more.

Below is a table showing the major nutrients in strawberries and their pertinence to your bearded dragon. If you’ve read my article on fruits bearded dragons can eat, you’ll have a clearer understanding of why these nutrients must be acknowledged.

NutrientAmount Per One Strawberry(12g)Safe Range For Bearded Dragons In Entire Diet
Sugar0.59g (6.6%-9.8%)Less than 15%
Fiber0.24g (2%-6%)Calcium: Phosphorus
Goitrogens0.012 – 0.12 mg0.1%-1.0%
Vitamin C58.8mg117.6%-196%
Potassium18.36 mg0.5%-1.0%
Calcium: Phosphorus1:21.5-2:1

6 Benefits Of Feeding Strawberries To Your Beardie

benefits of feeding strawberries to bearded dragons

Aside from it being a delicious treat, here are health advantages your beardie can benefit from strawberries:

1. A Healthy Bowel Movement

Fiber supports healthy digestion in both humans and beardies, and strawberries are packed with enough for your little pet. Feeding your bearded dragon strawberries will help it to poop better and unclog its intestines, stimulating a consistent and healthy pooping routine.

2. Proper Rehydration

Strawberries can be moisture-providing fruits for bearded dragons as they have an adequate water content. In most cases, beardies get their source of hydration from the food they eat (mainly veggies). Thus, adding strawberries to their salad can help boost their hydration. However, be careful not to feed your pet too many to prevent it from becoming ill.

3. Boosts the Immune System

Beardies in the wild rely on insects and shrubs to obtain vitamin C which helps them fight against diseases. In comparison, strawberries provide significant amounts of vitamin C, and if offered suitably, your pet may have a better chance of fighting diseases and building stronger immunity.

4. Improves Appetite and Behavior

Strawberries can aid in bowel movement, which in turn promotes a healthy digestive system and improves appetite. It’s advised to feed the fruit alongside vegetables and protein to provide your dragon with comprehensive value.

5. Low-Sugar Content

Strawberries have low sugar which is as safe as a treat can be for bearded dragons. Many fruits, such as pineapples, can be harmful to beardies because they contain high amounts of sugar. Excessive sugar in fruits can disrupt your beardie’s digestive system, potentially causing diarrhea.

6. Rich in Anthocyanins

The bright red color of strawberries indicates the presence of anthocyanins, a strong antioxidant that rejuvenates the cells. Safely feeding your pet strawberries over time can improve and maintain its health as it develops. Generally, it can be the secret ingredient to your beardie growing stronger and healthier than its counterparts.

The Proper Way to Feed Your Bearded Dragon Strawberries

Thankfully, feeding strawberries to your beardie does not require the hullabaloo of other fruits. They have very thin, chewable, and easily digestible skins, and their seeds are small enough to pass through your beardie’s tract without a hassle.

First, properly wash the strawberries before feeding them to your pet. After washing, cut the fruit into small pieces, small enough to fit between your beardie’s eyes to prevent choking.

Washing is crucial because most commercially grown strawberries are treated with pesticides and fertilizers which can be harmful to your pet. Unfortunately, the organically grown ones can be quite expensive, depending on the season or where you live.

How Much Strawberry Should I Feed My Bearded Dragon?

Adult bearded dragons can eat one moderately sized strawberry at most—ideally slightly smaller than the size of their heads. However, I do not recommend them for baby beardies (0 – 3 months) and juveniles (3 – 6 months) due to the risk of calcium-binding. Instead, opt for prickly pear or figs.

How Frequently Should My Beardie Eat Strawberries?

Adult bearded dragons can eat strawberries once a week. If you choose to feed them to your baby and juvenile dragons, limit it to once every two weeks.

When bearded dragons are in the baby or juvenile stage, they’re still developing their bones and are highly prone to metabolic bone disease: a calcium-deficient condition that causes the bones to be brittle and deformed. Any food that disrupts calcium absorption should be avoided until they’re fully developed.

problems of feeding too many strawberries

Problems That May Occur From Feeding Your Beardie Too Much Strawberry

Fortunately, strawberries are not as dangerous as other fruits. For a crisis to transpire, your dragon must have been munching on this fruit excessively.

Metabolic Bone Disease

Feeding your dragon excess strawberries can lead to a calcium deficiency which is a precursor of MBD. If the calcium lost to phosphorus-calcium binding is not returned, your bearded dragon won’t have enough to build strong bones. To prevent this from happening, always dust your pet’s treats with calcium supplements (view on Amazon) to replace the calcium depleted by phosphorus.

Dental Problems

Consuming excessive sweets can lead to periodontal disease, which is similar to tooth decay. It’s a painful condition that can cause other illnesses due to sheer stress and appetite loss.

Stomach Difficulties

Your bearded dragon can suffer from diarrhea and stomach ulcers if you feed it too many strawberries. Their little bodies are not properly equipped to metabolize large amounts of vitamin C, so, their bodies may expel the excess through frequent and watery stools.


As a direct result of diarrhea, your beardie may suffer from serious dehydration, as frequent bowel movements can lead to loss of moisture. Since beardies are not huge water drinkers, they’d be terribly dehydrated by the end of the ordeal.

Alternative Fruits to Feed Your Bearded Dragon

Beardie-safe fruits have relatively low levels of oxalate, potassium, phosphorus, and goitrogen content compared to the wide variety of fruits we consume. Aside from strawberries, you can feed your dragon the following:

What to Do If Your Beardie Has Consumed Too Many Strawberries

If you notice that your bearded dragon is suffering from any of the above-listed problems, here‘s what you should do:

Visit the Vet

The veterinarian knows exactly how to handle the situation. A proper diagnosis and treatment will ensure your dragon recovers swiftly. Make sure to visit your vet immediately to prevent the situation from worsening.

Give Your Bearded Dragon a Bath

Soaking beardies in shallow water is one of the best ways to help them rehydrate. If your dragon is suffering from diarrhea and dehydration, give it a warm bath for 15 to 20 minutes.

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EL Mehdi (Medi), the founder and voice behind Desired Reptiles, renowned for his dedication to bearded dragons. As a passionate reptile enthusiast, Medi has developed a solid background in caring for these lovely creatures. He gained extensive knowledge about their diet, behavior, and how to create environments that mimic their natural habitat