There are two major categories of cherries: sweet and tart cherries. Tart cherries are usually processed before consumption, often turned into jams or baked into pastries. Sweet cherries, on the other hand, are eaten raw and fresh. Each category provides slightly different benefits for bearded dragons which you’ll come to know later in this article. First, let’s clarify the primary concern.
Bearded dragons can have cherries as an occasional treat. Cherries are tasty, but they can be harmful in large amounts due to their acidity and sugar content. Additionally, they lack essential nutrients for bearded dragons, so it’s important to offer them only sparingly.
Are Sweet Cherries Better Than Tart Cherries for Bearded Dragons?
Sweet cherries are safer and more delicious for your bearded dragon to consume compared to tart cherries, but the latter is slightly more nutritious. Ultimately, since bearded dragons eat cherries in small amounts, the sugar or tartness in either type can be deemed harmless, making both varieties acceptable.
If your bearded dragon is recovering from an illness, occasional tart cherries may be better for a boost of anthocyanins. On the other hand, sweet cherries can help a stressed bearded dragon relax as they’re rich in melatonin.
Cherries, just like other fruits, have specific sugar levels, pH values, and chemical components that should be considered before feeding them to your beardie. So, how ‘safe’ cherries are depends on how much your dragon eats, which I’ll address later in the article.

5 Benefits of Feeding Cherries to Bearded Dragons
Cherries are highly nutritious. From polyphenols to antioxidants, here are five advantages of feeding cherries to bearded dragons:
1. Cherries Are Rich in Anthocyanins
Cherries can help regulate blood pressure and safeguard heart functions. Bearded dragons rarely fall ill with heart disease and if they do, it’s mostly a result of a prolonged unbalanced diet. However, cherries can help your beardie maintain normal blood pressure which in turn, retain proper heart function and circulation.
2. Cherries Can Help Decrease Stress
Sweet cherries have high levels of melatonin; a compound that helps relax the nerves and induce rest. They also contain serotonin that can improve your beardie’s mood. So, if your dragon is showing signs of stress, consider offering a cherry treat to help it relax.
3. Cherries Can Reduce Possibilities of Gout
Although heart disease is rare in bearded dragons, gout is much more common. It can be a result of an overly proteinous diet or genetics causing the bearded dragon to produce excess uric acid or have difficulty excreting it.
The anti-inflammatory properties of cherries can help lower the risks of gout in beardies. Sometimes, tart cherry juice is provided to dragons suffering from gout, but with additional medication and veterinary supervision. Do not attempt to treat your pet yourself; always consult a veterinarian for your pet’s health concerns.
4. Cherries Can Help Reduce Inflammation
Cherries are packed with polyphenols that can help decrease inflammation. Usually, feeder worms are gut-loaded with polyphenol-rich citrus fruits like oranges before being fed to beardies to boost their immune system. However, cherries can be fed directly to bearded dragons; an easier method to get polyphenols into your beardie’s system without the risk associated with acidic oranges.
5. Cherries Can Help Prevent Cell Degradation
Cherries are loaded with antioxidants which are organic compounds that help protect the cells from damage. This deterioration can result from exposure to micro radiation and toxic chemicals we encounter in our environment. In the worst-case scenarios, this can lead to the development of cancers and tumors in bearded dragons. An antioxidant-rich diet can help drastically lower the risk of cancerous cells developing.
The Dangers of Feeding Cherries to Bearded Dragons
Cherries are deemed treats for bearded dragons for good reasons. Overfeeding your pet this fruit can lead to the following issues:
Risk of Stomach Ulcers
Ulcers are directly linked to eating excessively acidic foods, even for us. While sweet cherries are less acidic than tart cherries, they’re still problematic for your bearded dragon to consume frequently. The acidity can upset its stomach and cause ulcers to form over time. In severe cases, ulcerations can be life-threatening.
The Sugar Problem
Cherries are high-sugar fruits that can cause various problems for bearded dragons. Frequently feeding your pet dragon sugary fruit can increase the risks of indigestion or diarrhea, obesity, and liver and kidney problems. It may also lead to heart crises linked to blood pressure.
The Safest Way to Feed Bearded Dragons Cherries
Note that adult beardies have more tolerance to acidic and sugary fruits compared to juveniles. Adult dragons may eat at most two cherries per month, especially if they’re eating other fruits. For baby beardies, one cherry a month will do.
Remove the cherry pits and cut the fruit into small, bite-sized pieces for your pet to chew comfortably without choking. If the pieces can fit the space between your pet’s eyes, then they’re safe to feed.
Alternative Fruits For Your Bearded Dragon
While cherries might be good sources of anthocyanins, there are other nutritious fruit options available for beardies. For instance, figs and prickly pears have less sugar and acid. If you’ve read my article on fruits bearded dragons can eat, you’d better understand why fruits should be offered as treats including which ones to feed or avoid.
The table below provides a clear distinction between safe fruit alternatives and fruits that are dangerous for bearded dragons to eat.
Blackberry | Avocado |
Blueberry | Lemon |
Apple | Lime |
Banana | Rangpur |
Strawberry | Tangelo |
Peach | Passion fruit |
Mango | Calamansi |
Papaya | Grapefruit |
Fig | Kiwi |
Prickly pear | Raspberries |
Are Dried Or Canned Cherries Good For Bearded Dragons?
Processed cherries, whether canned or dried, are bad for beardies. Canned cherries may contain preservatives that are toxic to bearded dragons. Dried cherries have twice the amount of acidity and sugar compared to fresh cherries due to the absence of water in them. I do not recommend feeding your dragon any cherry that isn’t fresh.