Fruits and vegetables are vital for healthy living. They provide essential nutrients that help prevent diseases and aid metabolism. However, bearded dragons rely more on vegetables than fruits, which are basically treats. It’s crucial to know whether your pet can eat grapes and in what quantities to prevent illnesses.
Bearded dragons can eat grapes but in minimal amounts. Sweet or high-oxalate fruits such as grapes are toxic in excess as beardies cannot efficiently digest or metabolize them.
In this article, you’ll learn the dangers, benefits, and the best ways to feed grapes to your beardie. Let’s dive!
Should I Feed My Beardie Grapes?
Grapes are a treat for bearded dragons and should only be given in the right amounts. They mainly contain fiber, calcium, and Vitamin C which are beneficial for your dragon, but they also consist of oxalic acid and sugar which can be hazardous in excess.
Oxalic acid is dangerous for bearded dragons; it readily binds to calcium, depriving your pet of utilizing most of the calcium it ingests. This situation can weaken the bones and cause further complications like metabolic bone disease. Sugar, on the other hand, is too complex for bearded dragons to break down and can lead to diarrhea and dehydration.
The Safest Way to Feed Your Bearded Dragon Grapes
Since grapes are not a staple food for beardies, you must regulate how your pet consumes them. Bearded dragons can eat grapes with or without the skin, however the seeds should be removed as they can cause impaction. To be safe, feed your pet no more than four grapes weekly along with its meals.
Make sure to chop the grape into small pieces that fit the gap between your bearded dragon’s eyes to prevent choking.
Once, my beardie, Milo, ate a piece of cucumber that was slightly larger than his regular morsels. He was used to easily chomping down his food as I made sure to always dice his veggies properly. But this time, he gobbled up the slightly larger chunk of cucumber that nearly took his life if not for our nearness to the vet clinic. It was a frightening experience! Although Milo thankfully survived it, I know a handful of beardies, especially young ones, that have died from choking hazards.

Benefits Of Feeding Grapes To Your Bearded Dragon
Here are some of the benefits of grapes your pet can enjoy when fed appropriately:
Improves Feeding Habit
Although not all beardies like grapes, those that do enjoy them so much that their appetite significantly improves. If your beardie enjoys the delicacy of grapes, you can trick it into eating more veggies by making a salad of grapes and greens. This way, your pet will eat the treats with the vegetables, relishing the salad even more.
Boosts Immunity
Bearded dragons in captivity outlive those in the wild because their immune system is strengthened by vitamin-rich supplements, foods, and treats. Since grapes are high in Vitamin C, feeding your bearded dragon a few can enhance its immune system. As long as it’s fed the fruit in moderation, your dragon will profit from the extra reinforcement.
Grapes Provide Hydration
In addition to boosting your pet’s immunity, grapes are hydrating fruits. As you know, bearded dragons are not water-loving creatures. They only need a few licks of water and vegetables to stay hydrated. If your pet lizard is dehydrated, adding a few grapes to its meal can improve its hydration.
Grapes Contain Fiber
Grapes contain fiber that can aid digestion, especially if your beardie eats them with the skin. However, compared to an adult dragon’s regular diet, the amount of fiber from grapes is almost insignificant. Adhering to the dietary requirements for each stage of your pet’s growth will help it effectively utilize fruits like grapes.
The Problems With Feeding Your Bearded Dragon Too Many Grapes
Just as you shouldn’t eat too many sweets, beardies should not consume excessive grapes (treats) because it will affect their well-being in the following ways:
Sugar-Related Diseases
Although bearded dragons are not known to develop diabetes from excessive sugar, they may develop other anomalies like obesity and high blood pressure from eating sugary treats like grapes. These diseases are fatal and must be prevented or addressed with immediate care.
Feeding your bearded dragon excess grapes can cause diarrhea. They do not metabolize sugar effectively as we do, and just as eating too many candies is bad for you, grapes are too sweet for beardies. This can upset their digestion and lead to illnesses like diarrhea.
As a direct result of diarrhea, your bearded dragon can get severely dehydrated as the illness causes your pet to excrete the moisture it needs to stay healthy. Although diarrhea can be easily treated, it can be fatal, especially for young or sick bearded dragons.
Urate Plugs
The oxalic acid in the grapes can upset the kidneys of bearded dragons. The acid readily binds with calcium and phosphorus creating a buildup that is difficult and painful for your beardie to excrete. Usually, these “kidney stones” are passed out as urate plugs. In the worst cases, your pet can die from the injuries and sheer stress of passing out the plug.
4 Things To Do If Your Bearded Dragon Has Eaten Too Many Grapes
If you suspect that your beardie has accidentally consumed too many grapes, here are ways you can remedy the situation:
1. Observe Your Beardie
Take three days to monitor your pet after it has eaten the excessive grapes. Specifically, observe its behavior, poop, and activity. Here are the signs that your beardie’s health may be declining:
- Sudden lethargy (sluggishness)
- Loss of appetite after the incident
- Watery, bloody, or unusually different color of poop
- Droopy or sunken eyes
- Paleness
- Reduced basking
- Reduced responsiveness
- Not pooping/ is pooping less
If you notice any of these cues, contact your veterinarian immediately for treatment before your pet’s condition worsens.
2. Give Your Beardie A Warm Bath
Soaking your bearded dragon in shallow water stimulates bowel movement, helping it to excrete the excess oxalic acid it has consumed. This is particularly useful if your beardie is impacted by accidentally consuming grape seeds. For better and faster results, try gently rubbing its belly while immersed in the water. Slip your hands underneath and massage from chest to tail to help stimulate its stomach and push the junk out.
3. Introduce Calcium Into Your Beardie’s Diet
Since the oxalic acid from the grapes reduces the calcium that your beardie needs to strengthen its bones, sprinkle calcium supplements (view on Amazon) on its greens and grubs to replace the lost calcium. This will help ensure its bones stay healthy and strong throughout the ordeal.
4. Refer to A Veterinarian Immediately
If you’re unsure of the severity of the accident, quickly visit your vet for a diagnosis. Especially if you suspect the situation is dire; say your pet ate more than seven grapes with seeds in one sitting. Sometimes, beardies may enter a critical condition despite appearing normal, and a situation you presumed stable can swiftly become an emergency.
How Many Grapes Are “Too Many” for My Bearded Dragon?
As mentioned earlier, four grapes a week are enough for your bearded dragon. This is convenient because whether the grapes are large or small, the amount won’t become excessive for your pet. Also, do not feed your dragon all four at once; feed them at intervals to prevent diarrhea due to the high sugar content.
Does the Type of Grape Matter to Bearded Dragons?
All the colors (types) of grapes have roughly the same nutritional benefits. Whether red, green, or purple, your bearded dragon will enjoy similar levels of fiber and vitamin C. However, purple grapes particularly have higher levels of antioxidants compared to green and red grapes, but they’re also much sweeter.
Is There A Better (Safer) Alternative to Grapes for My Bearded Dragon?
If you decide that grapes are simply not worth it, you can feed your bearded dragon blueberries instead. They contain fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants, but with significantly lower amounts of oxalic acid and sugar compared to grapes, which allows your pet to enjoy them comfortably. I’ve written a detailed article on the sorts of fruits beardies can eat to help you provide your pet with a healthy variety of treats.
Is There a Better (Safer) Alternative to Grapes for My Bearded Dragon?
If you decide that grapes are simply not worth it, you can feed your bearded dragon these alternatives instead.
- Prickly pear
- Blueberries
- Blackberries
- Apples
- Mangoes
- Papayas
- Figs
- Strawberries
These fruits contain fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants, but have significantly lower amounts of oxalic acid and sugar compared to grapes. This makes them safer for your pet to enjoy. To know more about alternatives, I’ve written a detailed article on the sorts of fruits beardies can eat to help you provide your pet with a healthy variety of treats.
Take Away: Can I Feed My Beardie Grapefruit?
Grapefruits are different from grapes. They’re acidic fruits that are not entirely safe for beardies to consume. Putting it into perspective, grapes make an even better choice of fruit to feed your beardie than grapefruit. Also, I’m certain your dragon will dislike the bitter-sweet taste of grapefruit.
Citrus fruits are not advisable for bearded dragons to eat directly as they can lead to stomach ulcers and dental problems. Instead, they can be fed indirectly by “gut packing” the worms with the citrus before feeding the worms to the dragon. The process is a lot of work to deal with, especially if you’re a beginner bearded dragon parent.
The Conclusion
Bearded dragons can eat grapes and they make fairly nutritious treats. If your pet enjoys them, remember to only feed it an adequate amount so that it doesn’t fall ill. It will relish its treats as long as it does not jeopardize its health or nutrition. Good luck!