Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes? Are They Really Dangerous?

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A plant-based diet is crucial for bearded dragons to be healthy and strong. Without the essential minerals or vitamins, they will be susceptible to illnesses. However, feeding tomatoes to bearded dragons can be quite the plot twist considering how nutritious they are for humans. In this article, we’ll review whether your bearded dragon can eat tomatoes and how healthy they are.

Bearded dragons can eat tomatoes but only in minimal amounts. Although they’re nutritious for us, they are not exactly beneficial for beardies and can even be lethal if not fed properly.

main reasons why tomatoes are bad for bearded dragons

5 Reasons Why Tomatoes Are Bad For Beardies

Bearded dragons require a strict diet consisting of nutrient-dense bugs and greens that must not be replaced by less nutritious foods. Here’s why tomatoes are not suitable for beardies:

1. They’re Too Acidic

Tomatoes have a pH of 4.0 to 4.6, which is more acidic than the neutral or slightly alkaline foods that are appropriate for beardies. Frequently feeding your beardie this ‘berry’ can upset its stomach and cause it to fall ill.

2. High Phosphorus

When feeding your bearded dragon fruits like tomatoes, you must be cautious of the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio. Calcium must exceed phosphorus for the fruit to be safe for your pet as this prevents the shortage caused by calcium-phosphorus binding. In tomatoes, phosphorus levels are three times that of calcium.

The higher the phosphorus there is, the less calcium your bearded dragon absorbs. This is particularly dangerous for baby beardies as they’re more at risk of developing metabolic bone disease. MBD affects the bone density, causing it to be brittle and weak. It is also associated with deformities and difficulty of the bones to fully recover from physical trauma.

3. High Water Content

Another aspect to consider when feeding your beardie a tomato is its moisture content. Excessive hydration can lead to diarrhea in bearded dragons as their small bodies are not built to process or utilize large amounts of fluid. Remember, beardies are desert reptiles that naturally require minimal hydration.

4. The Seeds Can Cause Impaction

Tomato seeds are notorious for causing impaction in bearded dragons, especially if consumed in large amounts. Beardies are susceptible to impaction, a condition where their intestines become clogged by undigested food such as tomato seeds. Your pet must avoid eating the seeds to prevent such an accident from happening.

5. Tomato Leaves Are Highly Poisonous to Beardies

Tomato leaves are saturated with solanine, an alkaloid that can be toxic to bearded dragons. It can cause a range of stomach problems which may lead to other illnesses and organ disorders. As beardies are fragile, the situation can quickly become serious depending on the amount of tomato leaves your pet has consumed.

benefits of feeding tomatoes to bearded dragons

Are Tomatoes Any Good For Bearded Dragons?

Even treats like tomatoes can be beneficial for beardies when given in moderation. Note that these nutrients are already obtained from your beardie’s staple diet. For what it’s worth, here are a few vitamins present in tomatoes that are good for your pet:

Vitamin C

Adequate amounts of vitamin C can help strengthen your bearded dragon’s immune system protecting it from bacteria that are ingested or have penetrated through cuts. Tomato being saturated with vitamin C is a good source for your beardie.

Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9, also known as folate, is essential for cell formation and regulation. It can help speed up recovery from injuries or illnesses and promote cell growth, especially during the shedding process.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K, also known as phylloquinone, helps platelet development in the blood. It also contributes to building up the bone marrow and increases bone mass even in the small amounts that are consumed.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps improve your beardie’s eyesight and maintain healthy skin. Though the amount found in tomatoes isn’t significant, when paired with carrots or bell peppers, they can make a powerful boost, especially when your pet is shedding or recovering from an illness.

The Best and Only Way to Feed Your Bearded Dragon Tomatoes

First and foremost, choose a ripe, red, and firm tomato, not overripe or too squishy. Then, wash it thoroughly to remove traces of fertilizers and pesticides before feeding it to your bearded dragon.

Give only the flesh of the tomato to your beardie; avoid the core, seeds, and leaves. Before feeding, dice the tomato into pieces small enough to fit between your bearded dragon’s eyes to prevent choking hazards.

Lastly, sprinkle calcium supplement powder (view on Amazon) over the diced tomatoes to compensate for the imbalanced calcium-phosphorus ratio (1:3), ensuring your pet’s bone health is stable.

How Much Tomato Does My Beardie Need and How Often?

Your bearded dragon needs no more than half of an average-sized tomato at a time. If you feed it any more than this, it may vomit or get diarrhea. Also, when offering tomatoes, do so once a month to ensure your bearded dragon stays healthy. That being said, your pet might not even care for tomatoes that much since there are other options. The only way I can even justify feeding your pet this delicacy is if it specifically enjoys it.

What Happens If My Bearded Dragon Eats Too Many Tomatoes?

The immediate effect may be stomach issues followed by lethargy. The high acidity of tomatoes can cause your bearded dragon to vomit, which can be relieving. Otherwise, the excess may lead to diarrhea or stomach ulcers which can be dangerous and even lethal in some cases.

Frequently feeding your pet tomato can also lead to metabolic bone disease, especially if it eats it excessively during its growth from hatchling to adult.

What Can I Do About This?

The best thing you can do if your beardie eats too many tomatoes is to visit the vet. Your veterinarian will examine the situation and provide appropriate treatment, helping your beardie quickly recover.

If your pet is impacted, prepare baths to help it poop and rehydrate. Put your beardie in shallow water for 15 to 20 minutes and gently massage its belly to break the clog and relieve the impaction.

Can I Feed My Bearded Dragon Canned Tomatoes?

Absolutely not! Canned or processed foods are dangerous for beardies. They do not need the additives and preservatives found in processed foods and lack the proper digestive tools to break down and excrete them.

Are There Any Alternatives to Tomatoes For My Beardie?

For the little value tomatoes provide your pet, seeking healthier alternatives is necessary. Below is a list of beardie-safe fruits you can explore:

The Rating – ‘Rotten Tomatoes’ Or Not?

Tomatoes are truly not worth feeding to your bearded dragon at all. Thus, they deserve the ‘Rotten Tomatoes’ rating! However, if your pet likes them, you can feed them this treat occasionally. By now, you should know how to feed your pet tomatoes and what to expect along the way. Remember, when feeding a bearded dragon treats, less is more. Good luck!

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EL Mehdi (Medi), the founder and voice behind Desired Reptiles, renowned for his dedication to bearded dragons. As a passionate reptile enthusiast, Medi has developed a solid background in caring for these lovely creatures. He gained extensive knowledge about their diet, behavior, and how to create environments that mimic their natural habitat